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Data & Research Products

ROB Top 1000 Data Reports

ROB Top 1000 Data Reports

by The Globe and Mail

The most comprehensive database of Canadian corporate financial information in spreadsheet format. The information allows you to better understand the top companies in Canada, to make it easier to sell to, invest in and communicate with these companies.

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Board Games Reports

Board Games Reports

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Report on Business has examined the boards of directors of the companies and income trusts in the S&P/TSX composite index, to assess the quality of their governance practices, based on various criteria.

速度快的伟理ip to read the Globe and Mail article about Canada's Governance Leaders

NOTE: To obtain a group/multi person licence please contact us at 如何使用伟理ip上网 for pricing information.

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Canada's Top Growing Companies 2025

Canada's Top Growing Companies 2025

In 2025, Report on Business launched its first-ever ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies. Ranking 400 participating private and public businesses on three-year revenue growth, the list celebrates the most ambitious and accomplished businesses that Canada has to offer. This document contains all data The Globe published on these companies in one convenient place.

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Top Canadian Venture Capital and Private Equity Deals

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by The Globe and Mail in partnership with the Canadian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association

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Click here to read the Globe and Mail article about Venture Capital trends in Canada

NOTE: To obtain a group/multi person licence please contact us at top1000@globeandmail.com for pricing information.


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Top 1000 non-profit (registered charity) Organizations Reports

Top 1000 non-profit (registered charity) Organizations Reports

by The Globe and Mail in partnership with CharityCAN

These reports are rankings of the Top 1000 Canadian non-profit (registered charity) organizations based on total revenue. Total revenue comprises all sources of revenue including government sources, donations and investment income. Some of the sectors these organizations represent include education, health, arts, and social welfare.

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2018 TSX Composite Compensation & Performance Report

by The Globe and Mail in partnership with Global Governance Advisors (GGA)

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Employee Recommended Workplace Award Benchmarks

The purpose of this downloadable document, Employee Recommended Workplace Award Benchmarks, is to provide benchmarks for employers who participated in the Employee Recommended Workplace Award, developed by Morneau Shepell and The Globe and Mail,  or any other companies or organizations that are interested in the findings from the Award Survey. You can read more about the winners at tgam.ca/workplaceaward.


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The Funding Portal Top 500

The Funding Portal Top 500

by The Globe and Mail in partnership with The Funding Portal

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Our Partners


A comprehensive service that improves access to both government funding and private financing in Canada.


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The President's Club

Fabrice Taylor finds companies with easy to understand businesses models that are at a stage to make money for their shareholders.


Comprehensive research and education on corporate governance from Board Shareholder Confidence Index to CEO compensation.


Research and analytical tools for the individual stock market investor. Portfolios for Value, Dividend and Growth Stocks based on strategies from investing legends.

Annual Reports Service

A service offering investors up-to-date Annual Reports for the world’s top publicly traded companies and aggregated company content for over 30,000 companies.

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